Arcanium Chronicles Wiki

Third Age

Year Event
565 Birth of Rey Domer
583 Rey Domer manifests his Enhancement Talent during the Testing at Acir and begins his training at Eresath.
590 Rey Domer finishes his training and chooses to become military advisor to the emperor of Asatori.
591 Birth of Ralph Aëron
601 Birth of Samos
603 Birth of Yara Tholsson
605 After fifteen years of service for the emperor of Asatori, Rey Domer returns to Eresath and takes up the mantle of First Enhancer after the death of his predecessor.
607 Ralph Aëron starts his training at Eresath after manifesting his Enhancement talent during the Testing in Pyk. In the same year, he manifests his Sealing Talent as well as a third Talent which is currently not known.
612 Ralph Aëron finished his training at Eresath, earning the title of Twentieth Son'Sha. He sets out to travel the realm.
613 During the Testing in Paros, Ralog Brianneal manifests his Enhancement and Sealing Talent and begins his training at Eresath.

Ralog Brianneal leaves the Order after a dispute with the council. He kills several Enhancers trying to stop him and takes others with him.

Rey Domer, who has trained Ralog from day one, decides to retire as First Enhancer and focus completely on training new students.


4th of Tiacan


12th of Tremar

  • Ralog the Wolf is captured in Ters by Ralph Aëron and Samos.

13th of Tremar

  • The Testing of Ters takes place.
  • Yara Tholsson is discovered to be a Dovra'Sha carrying the Talents of Sealer and Healer.
  • Samos manifests his Enhancement powers.

22th of Tremar

  • Ethel Hallwell lays siege to Eresath with his united fleet of pirates.

27th of Tremar

  • Samos manifests his Sealing Talent aboard the Windweaver during a practice fight with Ralph Aëron, making him the second Dovra'Sha to be discovered in Ters.

1th of Lutra

  • The Testing of Sandos takes place.
  • Two new Dovra'Sha are discovered: Faye Daemar and Otwin Moranc. They both have the Talents of Sealing and Healing.

4th of Lutra

  • The Windweaver arrives in Sandos where news is received that Ethel Hallwell has laid siege to the capital of the Order, Eresath.

25th of Lutra

  • Samos and Eder receive their new swords from Ralph, forged by the Second Swords.
  • An assault party under the command of Cahen attack the royal palace of Sandos. During the attack, Otwin Moranc is killed. Cahen is captured and interrogated. It is discovered the Son'Sha Ethel Hallwell is still alive and is the one using the name of Warbringer.